Online Learning FAQs

Frequently asked questions about online degrees

Here are some questions that are often asked about how online classes work:

How much does earning a degree online cost at Keller Graduate School of Management?
Tuition at Keller is fairly simple and is the same for both on campus and online students. We assess tuition and expenses on a per-semester-credit basis. For more detailed information, go to our Tuition and Financing page.

How long will it take to complete my online graduate degree program?
Because Keller offers so many options for our students to customize their class schedules and course load to fit their lives, the length of time it takes for someone to earn their online graduate degree can vary greatly. That's why we have Academic Advisors, who will work with you to put together a plan that fits your life and will help you meet your goals.

How long will it take to complete my online graduate certificate?
Because Keller offers so many options for our students to customize their class schedules and course load to fit their lives, the length of time it takes for someone to earn their online graduate degree can vary greatly. That's why we have Academic Advisors, who will work with you to put together a plan that fits your life and will help you meet your goals.

As an online student, will I have access to the same faculty support as a student who takes courses on campus?
An online education at Keller Graduate School of Management differs only in that you can take all your classes through the online learning platform. You will still have the educational support and professional guidance you need from your online professors and all of our dedicated staff.

Do I earn a diploma? Can I participate in a graduation ceremony?
Yes, you will earn a diploma. You can even choose to participate in a graduation ceremony.

How do I register or enroll?
Just fill out a simple form or call 866-606-4956. We'll help you get started with the process of enrolling, registering for classes and connecting with your team of Academic Advisors.