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Graduate Programs FAQs

How many programs does Keller offer?

Keller offers a wide range of graduate degree programs — an MBA with 10 concentrations, 7 Specialized Master's Degree Programs and 9 Graduate Certificates — in important business fields from accounting and finances to information systems and human resources.

What's the average total number of credit hours required for a program?

The total number of credit hours that you'll be required to take varies by program, and our courses average three-semester-credit hours. Our MBA standalone program requires 13 courses, our MBA with concentration is 16 courses, our Master’s Degree Programs require at least 16 courses and the Graduate Certificates are at least 6 courses. Visit the graduate degree program page and click on the degree program that you're interested in to see specific coursework requirements.

What's a concentration?

Some master's degree programs at Keller (including our MBA degree program) allow you to focus your degree by taking elective courses in a specific subject area, often applicable to one or several career fields. This area is called a "concentration."

What's an emphasis?
Some of our Specialized Master's Degree Programs have different areas of study for those with specific professional areas of interest or expertise. By pursuing one of these areas, you'll emphasize an area of study as you work toward your degree. That's why we say, for example, "a Master of Accounting & Financial Management with a CPA emphasis."

What's the difference between a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Specialized Master's Degree and a Graduate Certificate?
These offerings are all graduate-level areas of study, but the main differences are the coursework and required number of credits that you'll need to take. Depending on your career interests and goals, one area of study may be best for you. To find out more about our offerings, contact a member of our team.

Do I need to choose a concentration/emphasis for my MBA or Specialized Master's Degree?
To help you focus your MBA, you can choose one of 10 concentrations, but a focus is not a requirement to graduate. For our Specialized Master's Degree programs that have emphases, you will be required to select one.

Can I obtain a CPA license from Keller?
CPA licenses are granted by each state; however, we do offer CPA exam preparation courses that integrate Becker Professional Education's CPA Exam Review Methodology. You can incorporate CPA exam prep courses as part of your coursework for programs such as our Master of Accounting & Financial Management and MBA with an Accounting Concentration. We also offer a Graduate Certificate in CPA Preparation that includes such exam prep coursework.

What's the benefit of the Global Accreditation Center (GAC) accreditation from PMI?
Keller’s Master of Project Management (MPM) degree program has been awarded accreditation by the Project Management Institute’s Global Accreditation Center (GAC). GAC is an international accreditation awarded only to those institutions that foster “excellence in continuous improvement in academic programs related to the field of Project Management.” This accreditation means you are being taught current best practices in the Project Management field.