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Capstone Project

The capstone project is a culmination of your prior coursework and is often taken toward the end of your program. It gives you the opportunity to utilize the hard-earned knowledge and skills you've developed as a Keller student in a real-world setting. The capstone project gives you a chance to apply business judgment and analytical models to current and emerging opportunities as you create and present a comprehensive business plan. Many Keller students choose to apply their efforts for their capstone experience to the strategic benefit of their current companies, while others bring an entrepreneurial focus to the capstone courses, taking advantage of the project to launch new business ventures.

The capstone courses for each master's degree program are as follows:


Business Administration (MBA) = Business Planning Seminar

Accounting (MASC) = Accounting Capstone

Accounting and Financial Management (MAFM) = Financial Management Capstone: The Role of the Chief Financial Officer 

Human Resource Management (MHRM) = Human Resource Planning

Project Management (MPM) = Project Management Capstone

Public Administration (MPA) = Public Administration Capstone

Information Systems Management (MISM) = Information Systems Capstone

Network and Communications Management (MNCM) = Telecommunications Capstone

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